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Jamlitz Village + World | Scandinavia

Justus-Delbrück-Haus | Akademie für Mitbestimmung Bahnhof Jamlitz
Jamlitz, GER
17.11. - 30.4.2024

Jamlitz Village + World | Scandinavia Jamlitz Dorf + Welt | Skandinavien

Our cover picture shows the painting “Over Kærby Bakke. Vinter (Above Kærby Bakke. Winter)”, painted in 1917 by Fritz Syberg (1862-1939). Syberg was a Danish painter and illustrator and one of the founders of the Kerteminde artists’ colony on the island of Funen. For the “Fynboerne” (Funen painters), the small harbor town of Kerteminde on the Great Belt was an important place for their work.

We are showing this painting, as well as other pictures from the far north, in our exhibition “Scandinavian Artists’ Colonies Encounter the Jamlitz Artists’ Circle”, in the Justus-Delbrück-Haus | Akademie für Mitbestimmung Bahnhof Jamlitz.

The Jamlitz Dorf + Welt project reflects connections between the village of Jamlitz and the world. The central background of the project is the Jamlitz history of the former artists’ colony, as well as the history of the camps. In a multi-year rhythm, Art & Culture Jamlitz focuses on individual countries or regions and presents their art and culture in different ways. With the help of exhibitions, music events, lectures, artist residencies, workshops and more, space is created for reflection and exchange.

This exhibition, which was created as part of the Jamlitz Dorf + Welt | Scandinavia project, can be seen from November 17 to December 15, 2024, Mon-Fri 10 am – 3 pm, Sat-Sun 2 pm – 4 pm (except Saturday, November 30) and by appointment.